I live in the USA, I can't pay with € (EUR)

The price in Euro(€) will be converted to USD($), British Pound(£), Australian Dollar(AUD), Canadian Dollar(CAD), Swiss Franc(CHF), Japanese Yen(JPY), or any other currency by your Bank or Paypal. You will not be charged more for living in a country that does not use US Dollars($) nor Euro(€).

How much does shipping cost?

It does not matter where you live, shipping is always FREE for fingerboards & hardware.

If I order 2 or more Fingerboard decks, do I have to pay 2 times shipping?

Paid shipping only applies for ramps and bulky products. If you buy only fingerboards, you can enjoy free shipping.

How can I pay?

You can pay by Apple & Google Pay, Credit/Debit Card, PayPal, Klarna, Link, Mobile Pay, Blik, Bancontact, EPS, Giropay, iDEAL, Twint and Przelewy24. For cards, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club and JCB are accepted.

When will *** be in stock?

Follow BullGod on Social Media to get the latest news and updates on stocks.

How long will it take for my order to arrive?

After you receive an email confirming your order was sent, orders will take usually 5-7 working days. Depending on where you live, orders can be randomly selected by customs to be checked and processed. Do not worry, your order will arrive safely and if you have any questions, you are invited to contact us anytime.

Where are your decks made?

Our decks are made in Portugal, home of BullGod Company. 

Do decks come with extras?

Yes, we always make sure to add some extra content to your order. This is our way to thank you for chosing BullGod.

Do you make custom decks?

Yes, you can order your own personalized graphic here. If you'd like to chat about your graphic idea, you can also message us through Instagram or Email.

What is so special about BullGod Ramps?

BullGod Ramps are made in Portugal using high quality wood, which is heavier and sturdier when compared to other top brands. This means your ramp will stay in place and won't slide, indepentendly from the tricks you're trying. More fun, less frustration!

BullGod, please sponsor me?

We are very selective with the people we sponsor. If you would like to try it, please record an edit with some of your best tricks and send it to us.